Thursday, May 29, 2008

First Ever Review!

How nice was it to find this? Looks like Iota Publishing is moving fast getting those review copies out there.


"In The Face" by Lorelei Armstrong
by Mary on Tue May 27, 2008 10:47 pm

"In The Face" has a futuristic flavor while being rooted firmly in modern society's obsession with fame and beauty. When video footage of a crime shows the perpetrator as being Evo Selig, one of the most beautiful and successful men in society, the town is shocked. But was it really him? With advances in technology and SIMS programs can anyone really believe anything they see on the screen? Lorelei Armstrong's character analysis is thorough allowing you to see all the contributing factors that shape their behavior. The complex twists in the plot leave you trying to figure out the solution right up to the very end. "In The Face" is a impressive debut from an author with a bright future in crime fiction.

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