Sunday, January 15, 2012

Starred Reviews.

As you might imagine, I have a few books in my house. Contemplating my mortality this morning, I was thinking about the library I'm going to leave behind someday to my utterly disinterested niece and nephew. They're four and two, so no blame accrues; few of my books have pictures of princesses and backhoes. In any event, I do assume that when I pitch over into the tapioca they will have a bit more of an interest in word books. But look at all the word books! How will they know which to foist off on the local library and which to keep? There won't be time even to read all the book jackets. How will they know which books meant anything to me?

I shall take a page from them. A page covered with gold star stickers, which are a current favorite with the kids. I shall hie off to the Walmart and buy star stickers, and place them on the spines of my favorite books. Ah, a writer's proper estate planning has begun.

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